Date: 16 December 2021
Event: Decide National Disability Awareness Day in Uzbekistan
Place: Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (TUIT)
On December 16th, 2021, in Uzbekistan the National Awareness Day was held on current issues of inclusive education in accordance with the international project “DECIDE” (Development of services for people with disabilities) of the European Union’s DECIDE Erasmus+ program, under the slogan “No one is left out of love and attention”. Over 172 members from various regions and institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries took part in the NAD event, additionally with international guests from European program partner countries. In the event more 22 members participated with their presentations and discussed issues related to the creation of socially favorable conditions for people with disabilities in Uzbekistan, barriers and opportunities in inclusive higher education, the rights, and lifestyles of people with disabilities.
Report on the DECIDE National Disability Awareness Day in Uzbekistan